“The Viewing”

Alexander X
2 min readDec 8, 2022

And my view on ending the capitalistic consumerism approach to life.

Art has a way of speaking to our very souls, of stirring something deep within us that words alone cannot express. And it is the truly great pieces of art, the ones that transcend time and humanity, that leave the most indelible mark on our hearts and minds.

But it is not enough simply to consume art like mindless drones, passively taking in whatever is placed before us. No, we must be selective, choosing only the works that speak to us on a deep, emotional level. For it is not our minds, but our hearts, that truly understand the language of art.

As a person who tends to rely more on logic and reason than on emotion and intuition, I have always been fascinated by the power of art to transform our thoughts, to inspire us, to fill in the gaps in our understanding of the world. And this is precisely what “The Viewing” by Panos Cosmatos has done for me.

The visuals, the script, the overall feel of the film are all simply perfect. But it is the music, composed by the brilliant Daniel Lopatin, that truly elevates the experience to transcendent heights. The second day after watching this film, all I could think about was the music and the atmosphere it created. I wanted more, and I could not get enough. This piece of art truly moved me in a way that I have never experienced before.

And so, inspired by this experience, I have begun a series of videos on YouTube. These videos are my attempt to capture and share the passion and emotion that “The Viewing” ignited within me. I hope you will enjoy them, and remember: the search for inspiration is a never-ending journey, for it is always lurking just around the corner, waiting to be discovered by those who have the courage to seek it out.

The Viewing Suite #1

The Viewing Suite #1.9

The Viewing Suite #2.1

The Viewing Suite #3



Alexander X

Surfing the wave of new age tech. Wanna come along?